Wednesday, 23 September 2015

CLUB LYRICS: I COULD HAVE BEEN A CHILD by Sharon Ogechi Anyaegb...

CLUB LYRICS: I COULD HAVE BEEN A CHILD by Sharon Ogechi Anyaegb...: Don't take my childhood away from me Those tiny little steps of stray Building sand castles, playing girl tangles Dancing in the rain...

I COULD HAVE BEEN A CHILD by Sharon Ogechi Anyaegbu

Don't take my childhood away from me
Those tiny little steps of stray
Building sand castles, playing girl tangles
Dancing in the rain and faking fantasy games
The fun in birthdays, recitals and proms
The joy beneath restrain of my steps to stardom

Don't take my childhood away from me
They had it all, so many toys
Trains, cars, sand dunes and dolls
Walking barefoot and licking Ripe fruits
Ridding ponies and roller coasters
While every dull moment is triggered by reproach

Don't take my childhood away from me
I see them play, i hear them say
Starring so strangely, with face well lit
'She's new to this playground; don't think i ever saw her here'
Tears running from glowing eyes, she couldn't stop pondering
Is it possible to press replay as depressions are deepening

I could have been a child while there was still time
But time denied the chance and growth became my pride
Surprisingly, 'She's all grown now; we did our best', they say
It all shows now: the lack in her portrayed
Please don't take my childhood away from me
For when you do, you steal this life away from me


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

New word in the English Dictionary



As in, ‘Vocabulary Art’… A career of some sort; the art describing what a word really means. It applies creative skills to words, using imagination to help paint a picture. Pointing to a ‘Vocabulary artiste’, specializes in making the most meaning out of words in an imaginative way.


Pronunciation… voʊkart(s)

As in, ‘vocal Arts’… An aspect of Music career, mostly involving singing. Pointing to a ‘vocal Artiste’, (Vocartiste) someone who specializes in vocal music; really good at using all forms of music dynamism and can easily switch between keys comfortably during singing, without going off-key or off-pitch.

Inspired and originated by Sharon Gege Anyaegbu
Sharon Samuel #GegeInspired

Thursday, 9 July 2015


When i find myself in a mist, when trouble comes or when i hit a dead end in pursuit of success and happiness, then, confusion sets in. But as i search for answers, i ask...'What do i have in my hands?' A perfect song to Sing... MUSIC is to me, the  still small Voice that calms every whirlwind in life. The right language, the right knowledge and the right word...Language, Music and God, they are all connected. The right knowledge gives a perfect Lyrics flowing through a mysterious inspiration that could only come from Heavenly places. Music is life playing out a song with lyrics that only you can create with what you have in your hands. So... #ThinkMusic #ThinkInspiration #ThinkLife.
Sharon Gege Samuel
#GegeInspired #TheGodGirl

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Beating up yourself all the time does not make you a better person. Being yourself and living life through the eyes of faith in CHRIST JESUS will help you reach your goals at the end of the day. So no matter how slow it comes and no matter the number of times you fall, you will surely get there, just as long as you trust in GOD alone.

Sharon Samuel…


Sunday, 12 April 2015


A single word or a complete sentence, expressed in a song can affect emotions better than just speaking it out... in ways you may not understand. If you sing a song that has positive vibes and energy in it, to a broken heart, a weeping soul, a broken girl, a hurting widow, a troubled farmer, a sick little boy or someone in need of comfort of some sort, it will go a long way to revitalize the soul and heal their wounds more than ordinary words could achieve. So look around you, find someone who is hurting, Sing a nice pure and lovely song. Make a difference and SAVE A SOUL TODAY...